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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Victory Though My Purgatory

Just as Dante passed through the ninth circle of hell, and found himself un-shielded from the icy wind beating from Lucifer's six bat-like wings that froze the waters keeping him suspended between heaven and hell...I too passed through the tenth circle of my own personal hell, Going Gluten and Grain Free! (Wheat, Oats and Corn were my own Brutus, Cassius and Judas to climb past) 

I am proud to say I made it over 90 days without indulging.
'The Trash Heap has spoken, Nahh'

Except for Thanksgiving. I had two bites of stuffing. It was amazing. So 'Nahh'

Still, I let my stomach heal.

Shockingly, I've found during this 'trial' my favorite breakfast to be a small sweet potato or yam with almond butter or just to have a spinach based smoothie. While lunch is usually leftovers, I have enjoyed Costco's soups or simple shrimp with rice pasta.

Snacks have come to consist of almonds, with sliced avocado, sweet potato chips or kale chips.(more later on my obsession with those) 

We've been mixing it up for dinner, never the same protein two nights in a row, helping to make things balanced. I feel really blessed. All my stomach needed was a break, and now I have to take it easy with the grains. And for now, I am loving spicy foods.

A few months ago pepper on my mashed potatoes was as much spice as I could handle. Now I found jalapeno cream cheese, black pepper meats, Kung pow! What else is out there? I intend to find out!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


There are some things that happen, it's a kind of connection when you know that at that very moment, God is getting your attention to let you know He is smiling down at you. Snow is one of those things in my life. 

Stepping off the airplane that brought me from Hawaii back to Nevada, tears came to my eyes. It wasn’t just the cigarette smoke from those gathered at the slot machines inside the airport terminal, it was the sight of the beautiful snow dusted Sierra Nevada Mountains.

After months on the big island of Hawaii I missed mountains so much it made my heart ache, and the beautiful clean snow laying atop was a sign to me. I was where He wanted me to be. 

My friend who picked me up at the airport was worried for me…I normally dread moving back to Nevada. I don’t like the desert, I despise the bright sun, I don’t do well in the dry high elevation, I’m allergic to sagebrush and tumbleweed…and yet there I was crying aloud “Oh God! It’s so beautiful here! Thank you Jesus, I’m here! I’m here!”

“B, did you have booze on the flight?”

“Hmm? No. Look how beautiful those mountains are! It’s so pretty here!” *sob*

“In Reno? You just left Hawaii. Hawaii.What’s wrong with you! Are you sure they didn’t hand out 'complimentary drinks' on the flight?”

No I am not so self-centered to believe
God and the weather revolve around me,
yet I know He uses it to bless me.
The next night I arrived at my parent’s house and God lay down inches of snow. Waking up to snow, I did what any grown woman would do. I put my winter coat on over my pajamas and made a snow angel! 

Later that year, I met my husband. 
This is a dramatization of how we met

We were married last January a few days after a heavy snow and we had a magical honeymoon in the Rocky Mountains.
I moved out of my
 parents and into the house he was renting. Thankfully I was able to quit my job before the wedding, giving me time to combine ‘his stuff’ with ’mine’ making it ‘ours’. Painting the house, scrapbooking, and lots and lots of trips to the second hand store to get rid of things we didn’t need, as well as organizing and finding places for things I finally made the stark white man cave into a home.

I felt like we were finally settled and then we moved out of state. He got a great job, working with fantastic new people, and the timing was perfect for us to buy a beautiful Victorian style home. Gods timing is perfect.

Leaving town was hard; it’s always hard to leave the people you love and fellowship with. My family , Church family and friends I grew up with, some truly amazing co-workers and friends made over years that we will both miss, and there are just countless other people who feel more like family than friends, we wanted to take them all with us, but no one was up for the ride, so we look forward to making such connections here.
The day we moved here, as soon as the last box was moved from the U-haul into the house…it started to snow. I cannot express how it felt to wake up that first morning, roll over and look out my window at our new yard, freshly covered in snow. My heart was so full, I was where He wanted me to be.

One week later, we drove through a light dusting of snow to bring home our first puppy, a hound mix, black in color with brindle peppered on her face chest and front paws. We named her Pepper.

This first year of marriage has been incredible, and while I could lament about how long it took Mr and I to find each other, the fact is, it happened exactly when God intended it to. I think many of us have plans for our life, we have decided how things will happen. Aren’t we fools? Mr and I had a lot of living and growing to do before we met. I know others have done it and done it well, but I shudder at the thought of our younger selves being married or raising a child….or a puppy. 

I woke this morning to a light dust of frosty snow, one year ago today I married my best friend, favorite person and love of my life (who also happens to be the most handsome man on the planet) and I get to be with him every single day! He has shown me a level of friendship, leadership and love I never knew existed. His love for God propels everything he thinks, says and does. He inspires me, he draws me closer to God. I have never been so proud to know someone. Every day I wake up wondering if it’s all a dream. I could not be more blessed!
In't he cute?

On top of that last year included: a new last name, a wonderful honeymoon, beautiful jewelry, gaining a gigantic family, blessed to be named Godmother to a fantastically beautiful little girl, spent months decorating, started a blog, got a great haircut, a year off work, finished a few book series, watched my baby brother graduate, watched my husband excitedly officiate a wedding, we tried out dozens of new recipes, was introduced to a new relationship with food, lost my bunny but was not alone through it, moved to a new state, new Christmas traditions, bought a house and a puppy! 2013 was truly an amazing year. God is good, and if you let Him, He will show you where to go, and when you are right where He needs you to be.

Where I need to be


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