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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Basil Soup, easy recipe, how we love thee!

Do you have fresh basil in your home? I urge you to spend the $5 at your local garden store for a fresh basil plant. There is nothing like fresh basil, we love it here, (so does the rabbit). It goes well in soups, salads, pastas, and it smells fantastic sitting in your kitchen! 

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Basil Soup

    We like our tomato soup (canned Campbell's) with half water, half milk. Once the soup is mixed, add a few of the larger basil leaves in the pan while it simmers. The basil really makes a difference, before you eat the soup, take out the basil. 

 Grilled Cheese
    Bread: There are so many options for the bread, homemade bread, wheat bread, french bread, and each changes the taste. 
    Cheese! Oh how we love cheese here. I enjoy Muenster cheese, Mr Klas prefers Colby, and really, nothing melts like Velveeta. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Spiritual Gifts

Be involved in the work God is doing around you.

I want you to be encouraged, confident and excited to use what God has given you! And if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, God has given you amazing gifts and He expects you to use them!

I have been to/involved with many spiritual gifts/seminars within the Christian church. What I have seen, (unfortunately) is:

A:  People alter their test, they want to be something God has not gifted them to be, (happens with personality tests too) they become discouraged when they try to go full force in the areas where they don’t have God-given gifts. Nothing comes of it, no one grows closer to God by what they are doing, not even themselves (ie they want to be a teacher, and God gave them the gift of knowledge or wisdom and no teaching ability or people skills *ouch*)

B:  People don’t like their results. (quiz said they are gifted in helps/service and they dream of being a mega-pastor) they again, get discouraged and get offended when they are not asked to continue helping out in a specific area.

C:  People decide their gift/ministry is incredibly important and get offended when it’s not a main feature in their congregation. We are all a body, each part has it’s function. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Don’t let Pride get in the way of God using your gifts to benefit others.

I want you to find JOY in how God created you! 

If God gifted you with something, you will see God move, you will see results. (not always in size but certainly in depth of your ministry). God will move and grow you, and move others. Others will see it too, they will let you know. God is faithful in encouraging us in our gifts.
However! Don’t sin by expecting recognition for your gift/ministry.  (that is pride) It’s not about you, it’s about Jesus. Remember the gift God the Holy Spirit enables you with is not to build you up. It might not even be the gift you ‘want’. It is the gift that is most effective for building others up.
 I used a lot, a lot a lot of resources before even starting to write this. I prayed and prayed and prayed before even thinking about writing this, and before writing the study/prayer blog before this one. I did my best, it’s not perfect, but it’s as scripturally sound as I could possibly make it be with my own limited skills.

*Just ask and I’ll give you the articles I used for research.

First of all, let’s be honest about Spiritual Gifts.

The spiritual gifts differ from natural talents (musical ability, creativity, athletic prowess, computer skills) in that one is given at new birth and the other is given at birth. 

Since no list of spiritual gifts in the New Testament seems altogether complete, compiling all of the lists together still may not result in a completely perfect list 

We must be open to serving outside our area of gifting. 

God will also give us passions and opportunities in addition to natural talents and spiritual gifts.

Discovering our gift(s) is related to assessing our desires, joy, and effectiveness. 

Every gift must be cultivated so that we are most effective in our ministry service.

Don’t make excuses, work on your gifts by going out of your way to use them every  single  day.  You may start off thinking you have the gift of teaching and realize that planning an event, or encouraging others to come to an event proved more useful to the Body of Christ than teaching has.

Staying in an area that is not your gifting can cause extreme bitterness. Bitterness is a horrible, horrible thing. If you are currently involved in a ministry and are getting bitter, find a way to lovingly tell your leader/elder, pray about it, so someone else will fill that spot for you. God is faithful!

Okay! Did you take a few minutes and take one or both of these quizzes? Please do! Both quizzes together will give you a fuller result, I found them very insightful. Praise God for Christian resources.

So what came up as your top gift(s)? I tend to have 2-4 top gifts (depending on the survey). Below I have defined the gifts from both websites, and other resources, with verses to the best of my ability. (I’m sure to hear about any errors below.) You may find you have a little bit of one gift, and a lot of another, we all have a few gifts to varying degrees. If you feel the portions in bold spot-on-define you, it’s because this may be a very strong gifting of yours. I encourage you to go have a chat with someone, so you can start using this gift to benefit others right away.
Let’s see what you have to offer!

Let all things be done for building up! 1 Cor 14:26b


God the Holy Spirit enables this person to steer, rule or govern. This is similar to the gift of leadership, but more task oriented, goal focused, concerned with details and the organization of an event, finances, information, accomplishing things in a fitting and orderly way; rather than leading the event or getting recognition. 

If this is your gift, you are great at keeping others on task, uniting people and accomplish goals. You probably get asked to plan things a lot. Where others would burn out, you thrive.

You naturally organize your life, schedule and finances. Efficiency and promptness matter to you.

Luke 14:28-30, 1 Corinthians 14:40, Titus 1:5


This can be controversial, but I did as much research on it as possible.
An Apostle was one who was a faithful eyewitness of Jesus ministry and His resurrection, being called by Jesus Himself. They were given authority to write scripture, those individuals had the office of apostleship.

There is however today, the gift of apostleship in that there is someone who plants new ministries, churches, or going where the Gospel is not preached. If God the Holy Spirit has enabled you with Apostleship, you are a very influential person (a leader, a scholar, a denominational leader, a regional director), the kind of  person able to lead in multiple ministries.

Not to be confused with Missionary or Teacher, Apostleship is focused on expansion, regardless of culture. Some have the gift of Apostleship and Missionary, or Apostleship and Shepherd, or Apostleship and Teacher. (James MacDonald, Chuck Smith, Mark Driscoll are great examples of this.)

Asking yourself these questions will help define your gifting; can you effectively minister cross-culturally? Can you start a church from nothing? Has God given you leadership and influence over multiple churches as a movement leader? 
Mark 3:13-19, Romans 1:1-2, 1 Corinthians 9:1, 2 Corinthians 12:12, 1 Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:7-12


The ability to discern between spirits. Having this, God the Holy Spirit will keep you from being led astray by false teaching, so if since your conversion you have been led astray, changed faiths or belief systems, pray for more discernment. God is faithful.

If God the Holy Spirit enables you with the gift of discernment, you will know whether something someone says or if a situation is divine, human or Satanic. You are able to tell if people are distorting the truth or if it is simply a communication error. You don't get into arguments, because you discern situations well.

You use this gift to build up other believers, to guide them if their beliefs become scripturally unsound.

If you were raised in a cult—a group where secrets are kept, where others are not openly allowed to join, where you were discouraged from asking questions, and where there are rules or levels for deeper membership—this is a gift you deeply desire, and can tend to overcompensate for. You are afraid of being led astray again, and that is understandable, but you must focus on being helpful to the Body of Christ as a whole.
Are you keenly aware of moral sin and doctrinal heresy? With this gift, your ability to discern should be spot on every time. God does not change, neither does the discernment of the Holy Spirit. Continue to grow in this by reading the word.

Acts 16:16-18, 1 John 4:1, 1 Timothy 6:3


A sometimes controversial gift, God the Holy Spirit enables this person to cast out daemons and evil spirits in the name of Jesus Christ. The focus with this gift should always be on salvation in Jesus Christ, the authority we have in Christ, not on the ever present forces of evil in this world.
Mark 3:14-15, 6:13


Every Christian is called to share the Gospel with unbelievers. That means you.

God the Holy Spirit enables some believers with extra faithfulness, excitement and effectiveness in this area. Do you find you have a heart for the lost and will go out of your comfort zone to share Jesus with anyone in any circumstance?
If God the Holy Spirit has gifted you with the gift of evangelism, you are successful (even if it’s just a few people) in bringing people to Jesus because this gift allows you to be an effective communicator.

Evangelists continue to seek out relationships with those who don’t know Jesus and train others to effectively share their faith.

Isaiah 52:7, Ephesians 4:11, Acts 8:5-12, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 8:26-40


The gift of encouragement. This is a communication gift. If this is your gift, God the Holy Spirit has enabled you to easily communicate personal and practical application of a message or truth. God the Holy Spirit enables you to strengthen others in their faith. To remind and encourage others about Jesus and all the wonderful things He has done. To uplift, motivate, challenge, rebuke in order to build up, give practical application to mature and grow others in their faith.

Exhortation focuses on step by step plans of action to mature in Christ. Exhorters often find it natural to discover insights from personal experience when validated and amplified in Scripture.

*Don’t confuse the three communication gifts, they can be used interchangeably but are not the same. Gifted communicators have a mix of these.  Exhortation focuses on personal and practical application of the message or truth being communicated. Prophecy focuses on the urgency and impact of the message or truth being communicated. TEACHING focuses on bringing thorough or adequate understanding of the message or truth being communicated.

Luke 3:16-18, Hebrews 1:25, Titus 1:9, 2:11-15, 2Timothy 4:2, Romans 12:4-8


The spiritual gift of faith is not the same as saving faith. God the Holy Spirit gives this person the ability to discern with extraordinary confidence and assurance God’s will and purpose. Those with this gift often scare other people with their confidence, sometime projecting their gift onto other people. They trust God in difficult and even impossible situations when others are ready to give up.

You view obstacles as opportunities and trust God for the impossible. You have an effective prayer ministry, with many wonderful answers to prayer that seemed impossible at first.

Hebrews 11:1-3, James 2:14-24, Acts 6:5


This giving means to impart, to give sincerely, generously and without pretense or hypocrisy and often sacrificially. God the Holy Spirit enables these to contribute material resources to the work of the Lord liberally and cheerfully.

While all Christians should give (tithe), those with the gift of giving know with acute awareness that all they have belongs to the Lord, that they are stewards. Regardless of the amount, people with this gift genuinely view their treasures, talents, and time as on loan from God and not belonging to themselves. They are often moved to meet the physical needs of others. They tend to be hospitable and seek out ways, even to the point of adjusting their lifestyle to give more.

Do you give to the church regularly, cheerfully and sacrificially? Do you find yourself looking for opportunities to give your money, even when no one asks? Then this might be your gift!

Philippians 4:14-19, 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, Proverbs 31:20

            *Giving should not be confused with

This is the special ability that God the Holy Spirit gives those to renounce material comfort and luxury, adopting a lifestyle equivalent to those in poverty.  The motivation behind this is so they can minister more effectively to others through identification.

Often teens or young adults will have this pop up on their Spiritual Gifts Survey, because money is not a stronghold for them yet. This is why it’s a great time in life to do missions!

2 Corinthians 8:9, Acts 2:44-45, (1 Cor 9)


This can be controversial, since some say the more supernatural gifts like this stopped happening after the first century or so. Some people require that when healing is given, it must be verified by a doctor, or it must only happen in a church to prove it was God. (nowhere does scripture affirm these regulations) Others go to the extreme of saying since God can heal, Christians should not use a doctor (Luke was a doctor as are many Christians). Still others say that if you are walking in faith and not sinning, you should never be sick. However, Paul walked faithfully with Jesus and was never healed. (1 Corinthians 2:3, 2 Corinthians 11:30, 12:5,7-10)

Healing, literally meaning ‘gifts of healing’, often referring to Faith and Miracles. God the Holy Spirit enables those to call on God to heal the sick through supernatural means for the purpose of revealing God.  They do not see someone healed every time they ask, since healing is something God alone decides to do.
God desires that those who are healed respond in faith and thanksgiving to God, as the leper in Luke 17. Healing should lead to spiritual faith in Jesus and eternal life. 

If you have this gift, you may have witnessed someone being healed. You enjoy praying for those who are sick, or have a deep compassion for them, convicted that God can heal anyone He chooses.

Galatians 4:13-14, Philippians 2:27, 1Timothy 5:23  Acts 9:17-18


This was hard for me to break down. Let’s see if you fall in this category somewhere.

God the Holy Spirit gives some the ability to work joyfully alongside another and help that person complete a God given task. These people tend to want to work behind the scenes with humility and sacrifice, they enjoy alleviating burdens with no desire for the spotlight to be on them.

When a job is being done poorly, your first instinct is to help instead of criticize, you have a hard time saying no when someone asks for help.
You have a servant attitude, attention to detail, loyalty, a love for assisting. Your focus is on edifying the community, freeing up others to use their gifts to the fullest. 

1 Corinthians 16:15-16, Romans 12:6-8, Acts 6:1-7


God the Holy Spirit gives us all (yes you) the ability to welcome strangers and entertain guests. This means family, Christians and strangers who may not be of your faith (though do not invite those who are a danger to your personal walk with God).

Those God the Holy Spirit strongly gifts with hospitality, are gifted to do so with great joy, giving a warm welcome making friends in the process. They are not stressed about the perfection of house or meal as their focus is on the relationship. We all need to work towards this. 

Don’t go all Martha Stewart with this, you’ll just get depressed. It’s not about perfectly clean homes and beautiful food presentation. It’s about practicing servanthood in your home.  If you have never had a place of your own, it might take you some additional time to work on this gift.

Those with this gift sometimes feel something is missing in life when they cannot have guests over, they consider their home a place of ministry, they enjoy watching people meet and have fun at events they plan or host, they tend to have an ‘open home’ with people often coming and going. 

Romans 12:13, 1 Peter 4:8-10, Proverbs 31:15, 18b


This is a gift many confuse with the gift of faith. God the Holy Spirit enables people with an overwhelming desire and ability to intercede and pray for extended periods of time on a regular basis. Those gifted, see frequent and specific answers to prayers, to a degree much greater than the average Christian. 

Many intercessors experience times when God moves them to pray when they are not entirely sure what they are praying for, as God the Holy Spirit is inspiring them to pray out of obedience. They have a strong yearning to pray for others, not always people they know personally. 

As a gifted intercessor, you have a much greater occurrence of answers to prayer, an acute understanding that prayer is genuinely a conversation with God. When left alone, find you often automatically engage in prayer. You may have a sense of heightened urgency that comes over you to pray not going away until you take time alone to do so. 

*This is one of my strongest gifts; I’ve been practicing for over 20 years. If this is also a gift you share, please contact me, I’d love to hear about how you function and pray. Perhaps we can encourage and learn from each other!
Romans 12:12, Romans 8:26-27,34,  James 5:14-16, Colossians 1:9-12, 4:12-13, Hebrews 7:25


The gift of tongues is another gift that can be controversial, simply because this gift can be used to specifically bless the individual and/or others. I found it to be the most clearly described gift in scripture. It has very clear instruction, explanation and boundaries, so should not be controversial or feared.

Those that God the Holy Spirit has gifted to interpret unknown languages do so to the benefit of those around them. They gain a sense of what God the Holy Spirit is saying while another person is speaking in an unknown tongue. The message they interpret is to glorify God and share the message with others in the room.

There are those who God the Holy Spirit allows to speak or interpret a known language supernaturally for the edification of others.  An example of this would be if there is a Spanish speaking person in a congregation and someone starts speaking by the power of God the Holy Spirit  in Spanish so that individual can share in the message. 

The person God the Holy Spirit has gifted to speak in an unknown tongue is strengthened personally. Many call this their personal prayer language and God blesses them personally through it.  

The gift of speaking in an unknown language in public is to glorify God. Whenever an unknown language is being spoken in public, there should be an interpreter; so that the entire congregation will be strengthened. ‘There are many different languages in the world, and every language has meaning. But if I don’t understand a language, I will be a foreigner to someone who speaks it, and the one who speaks it will be a foreigner to me. And the same is true for you. Since you are so eager to have the special abilities the Spirit gives, seek those that will strengthen the whole church.’

‘Let all things be done for building up. If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or at most three, and each in turn, and let someone interpret. But if there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God.’

 If this is your gift, please, I am not (nor is Paul) bashing your use of tongues, I simply wrote this specific blog post to encourage others to use their gifts to edify the Body of Christ as a whole.

1 Cor 14:10-12, 1 Corinthians 14:26-28
1 Corinthians 12:29-31, 1 Corinthians 14


Known as ‘the word or utterance of knowledge and understanding’, God the Holy Spirit enables some with the ability to research, remember, make effective use of a variety of information on a number of diverse subjects to edify those in the Body of Christ. People with this spiritual gift love God with all their minds.

Those with this gift, can retain and communicate effectively at appropriate times, allowing them to relate the Scriptures to all aspects of life in this world. They see how it connects to every situation and circumstance, in every decision a Christian makes.

With this gift, you love to study, love to learn and are not content with surface level knowledge of a topic. You commit much of scripture to memory. You are at home in a book or in the midst of a study, and have small need of social interaction. You are compelled to conduct thorough research and present your finding so that others can benefit from your long hours of focused study.

People often point out to you your ability to know and understand God’s word and you are often being ask you for advice, references and explanations to difficult problems. You are frustrated by bad teaching, or when you hear someone who has not done their homework, because again…you love to study. 

Mark 12:29-30, Romans 15:14,  Romans 12:1-5


To lead, assist, protect, care for others. The spiritual gift of leadership is found in Romans 12:8 between the gifts of giving and mercy. Perhaps placed there intentionally to show that leadership is a gift associated with caring for others. This is what connects it to the gift of pastor/shepherd and what differentiates it from the gift of administration. Leadership is more people oriented than task oriented. Those God the Holy Spirit has gifted with leadership focus on people and relationships so much so that the Bible asks, ‘If someone does not know how to manage his own household, (well-being of spouse and children) how will he care for God’s church?’ 1 Timothy 3:5

You care for God’s people and focus on leading them into a deeper relationship with Christ and with one another. You have a clear vision from God and are able to communicate and influence others to pursue God’s goals. You base your success on how well you help others succeed and grow in their walk with Jesus. Willing to go to great lengths to protect those under your care, making sure they are well-equipped to go through crisis situations.
You find leadership enjoyable rather than frustrating, others look to you to make major decisions for a group, you tend to take leadership in a group where none exists. 

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, 1 Timothy 3:5, Romans 12:8


Patient and compassionate toward those who are suffering. We are all called to be merciful, because God has showed us mercy. Those that God the Holy Spirit has enabled to have extra mercy, are able to come alongside those who suffer for extended periods of time and see them through.  Cheerfully reflecting God’s love to alleviate the suffering, they are unusually sympathetic, and enjoy helping in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and with shut-ins. 

You find yourself being drawn to those who hurt, are needy or disabled, and have a great deal of compassion for those with emotional problems. It gives you joy to visit those who suffer, where it would depress others. You respond to others out of compassion rather than judgment. Sometimes people view your compassion as naivety. 

Matthew 18:33, Luke 10:30-37, Ephesians 2:4-6, Romans 12:8,15 


Workings of powers. This is another gift some believe is no longer in use. This is similar to the gift of healing in that the gift is subject to the will of God and not the desire of the person. Those God the Holy Spirit has gifted with miracles point to God’s purpose and glory at all times. 

You take special care to point others to God and reveal His glory to others, not claiming power for yourself, always giving credit to God for the miracle. You do not chase signs and wonders, but are eager for God to be made known in ways that cannot be ignored. 

Luke 11:29,  Acts 4:29-31


Meaning ‘sent one’, one with authority, an ambassador or representative. God the Holy Spirit enables some to minister whatever other gifts they have in a culture other than their own. If this is your gift, you find it easy or exciting to adjust to a different culture or community. Finding great joy in other cultures, ethnicities, with a stronger than average desire to fulfill the Great Commission. 

This gifting is coupled with another. Sometimes evangelism, shepherding, teaching etc.

*Not to be confused with the gift of apostleship, a missionary is one focused on cross-cultural work. Apostleship rather is about overseeing expansion of the body of Christ in a certain area, regardless of culture.

Isaiah 52:7, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23


Meaning shepherd or overseer. (notice the word ‘pastor’ is not used in common translations of scripture but ‘shepherd’ is. In the Bible, the following words are used interchangeably, the word ‘sheep’ pertains to ‘people in the congregation’ and the word ‘flock’ means ‘the congregation they are overseeing, or shepherding’) The shepherd (pastor) has several different responsibilities to the sheep and to the owner of the sheep (God). They are servants to both God and the people in the Body of Christ.  They are gifted with a mixture of abilities that allows them to serve effectively.

The shepherd’s (pastor’s) first and foremost call is to reveal the Glory of God in Christ by the power of God the Holy Spirit to people. Coupled with the gift of teaching, this makes them effective in their ministry. Their love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the center of their life, family and ministry. 

Knowing he is placed in position by God the Holy Spirit and only God’s grace can lead them though the task at hand, he is called to care for the spiritual well being of God’s people, to teach, guide, protect and lead them in the things God has for His church.

The Bible tells us that the job of a shepherd is to lookout for predators, from those that would attack or deceive. They are called to care for the wounded and sick and nurse them back to health. A shepherd is willing to go out of their way to rescue even one sheep, if they become lost or trapped. There is a saying that ‘the shepherd should smell like the sheep’ because of the time spent with them.

Hebrews 13:17 says those in leadership are accountable to God for their teaching. Read James 3:1-2 Whoa. Heavy. And who could ever want to do it alone? I see nowhere in scripture that it says it should be done alone. God told Moses to find advisors. (today we use deacons, elders, bishops, assistant and associate pastors) Pray for your leaders! They are people just like you and me, capable of sin and error, but when they mess up, God smacks them MUCH harder than you or I. And be honest, we judge them harder than the average person. Please take a moment now, and pray for those in your local leadership.

*See also, Teaching

1Peter 5:1-4, Numbers 11:16-17, 1 Timothy 3:1-13, 1 Ephesians 4:7-12, Thessalonians 5:12-13, Romans 12:8, Acts 20:28-32


This is another gift some believe died in the first century. God the Holy Spirit enables certain Christians to receive revelation and speak powerful messages from God to give to others. It means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim." Very seldom does the Lord God reveal a future event to us. The motivational gift of prophecy is primarily concerned with speaking the truth. The Word of God helps us to understand this gift and how to avoid misunderstandings associated with prophecy.

Those with this gift rebuke, encourage, guide or warn and speak strongly. Their message must always be tested to be in line with scripture. They have a strong ability to discern the character of others. They have a need for verbal expression, become wholeheartedly involved with the conviction. They are open to correction and willing to suffer for what is right.

*Don’t confuse the three communication gifts, they can be used interchangeably but are not the same. Gifted communicators have a mix of these.  Exhortation focuses on personal and practical application of the message or truth being communicated. Prophecy focuses on the urgency and impact of the message or truth being communicated. Teaching focuses on bringing thorough or adequate understanding of the message or truth being communicated.

1 Corinthians 14, Romans 12:4-8, Ephesians 4:7-12


God the Holy Spirit enables this person to clearly communicate the details and truth of God’s word for others to learn. This gift is coupled with another, (knowledge, shepherd, missions, exhortation etc) filling out their ability to serve.

Teachers enjoy studying, learning new information and find great joy in sharing with others. Their way of teaching can range from informal Bible studies, large group, one on one discipleship or formal classes. Preaching is also another form of teaching. 

With this gift, when you teach, other people clearly understand (they ‘get it’), others often come to you for insight into scripture, when someone is confused in their understanding of the Bible, you feel responsible to speak with them about it.

There is a very clear warning in scripture you should heed, you must know what you are getting into! ‘Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body.’ We all know no one is perfect, so James is making a clear point here. (James 3:1-2)

*Don’t confuse the three communication gifts, they can be used interchangeably but are not the same. Gifted communicators have a mix of these.  Exhortation focuses on personal and practical application of the message or truth being communicated. Prophecy focuses on the urgency and impact of the message or truth being communicated. Teaching focuses on bringing thorough or adequate understanding of the message or truth being communicated.

Acts 18:26, Ephesians 4:7-12, 1 Timothy 6:3, Matthew 28:18-20,  Romans 12:4-8


God the Holy Spirit enables this person with a supernatural understanding of a situation or of God’s word that is not obvious to the average person, with the ability to apply it to life situations. 

If this is your gift, you have the ability to speak biblical truth to people’s lives so that they make good choices, avoiding foolish mistakes. In reading God’s Word, you discover meaning and implications before others, or understand things even those with your same background don’t seem to know. You may find people come to you asking for prayer and biblical counsel with important decisions; during which, God the Holy Spirit gives you wisdom to share Scripture. People affirm that God has spoken truth to them through you.

Ephesians 1:17, 1 Kings 3:9-12, 1 Corinthians 12:8

Please leave any comments or questions on Gifts below!



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