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Friday, October 25, 2013

Facebook Is Dead. Pass Notes Instead.

"My 7th grade friends have all decided Facebook is over. Dead. It's only drama, no one uses it anymore." A Jr High girl told me this the other day. At first I was impressed by her wisdom, then later, I started to wonder what the kids these days are using instead.

They aren't allowed to fight in the halls anymore, anytime they say something emotional or mean, it's called 'bullying', social media is tracked by schools and parents....

Next time I see her I'm going to suggest 
she and her friends write notes, pass them back and forth.

Just the other day, I went through some boxes in storage and ran across some of the gang's notes we passed in the hallways. Nicknames for each other, (as if our Mom's couldn't recognize our handwriting) with code names for boys; such as Strawberries, Mango, Butter, Lemon juice...I have solemnly sworn not to reveal the contents, but I suggest the youth of today go back to passing notes.

Unlike social media, hand-written notes CAN be destroyed (torn, burned or thrown away), easily denied and explained away (also you can save select notes, read them in your thirties and txt your cohorts to remind them how silly you used to be).

SO! Get off the FB kiddos. It's drama, and yo momma uses it to spy on you anyway. Leave FB it to the Old Folks and let us post our lame memes, re-connect with old classmates, post pics of our grand babies and pick fights we don't have the cojones to finish in real life.

7th grade girls have more wisdom than we give them credit for. 


1 comment:

  1. Lol. My best school friend and I had a running comic strip that we would pass in class with certain code name characters- not only notes but illustrated and with a plot! Haha, I love looking back at them.



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